Strategies to Cope with Chronic Pain Daily

peakhwChronic Pain and Addiction

7 Pain Management Mistakes to Avoid

Almost 21% of the U.S. population– 51.6 million adults- lives with chronic pain. And while you might think it only affects the body, this is simply not the case.  Chronic pain can affect emotions, relationships, and the mind. It can cause anxiety and depression, which in turn, can worsen the discomfort.  Living with chronic pain can feel like a never-ending … Read More

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Addiction Treatment in Utah: Which Is Right for You?

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In Utah, the need for effective addiction treatment is pressing. According to the latest Utah Drug Monitoring Initiative Annual Report, in Q1 of 2021, there were 134 fatal drug overdose deaths, a 26% increase compared to Q1 of 2020. That said, proper treatment can help you overcome addiction. But for most people, the journey of addiction recovery can be like … Read More

6 Things to Know About Addiction Treatment and Recovery

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6 Things to Know About Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Addiction is a potent problem across the USA. Data from the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics suggests that 11.7% of Americans aged 12 and above use illegal drugs.   The road to drug addiction begins with a voluntary act. However, people tend to become increasingly reliant on substances over time. The act of seeking and using narcotics turns compulsive, partly … Read More

Need Relief? Avoid These 7 Pain Management Mistakes

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7 Pain Management Mistakes to Avoid

People with chronic pain know how utterly it can disrupt one’s life and daily activities. As a vicious cycle of constant discomfort and sudden flare-ups, it is enough to leave you overwhelmed and defeated.   When you’re in excruciating pain, you may want to try anything that provides instant relief. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the best idea. 7 Pain Management … Read More

10 Signs Your Loved One Needs Drug Addiction Treatment

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support group

Drug addiction can be challenging as it affects not just the user, but also the people around them. It has the potential to cause friction in families, destroy relationships, and hamper work and education.  It’s natural to feel frustrated and helpless if your family member is addicted to drugs. But it’s important to keep the faith and help them fight … Read More

What You Can Expect from a Knee Pain Injection

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Can you avoid knee surgery with viscosupplementation

Whether you’re an athlete prepping for your next event, or an individual trying to get through your everyday routine, knee pain can be a frustrating problem. Nearly 25.7 million people feel limited in their daily life due to joint stiffness and pain. While over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes can relieve mild symptoms, they are usually ineffective in the long run. Fortunately, … Read More

Chronic Pain Management Techniques: 6 Healthy Living Strategies That Can Help

peakhwChronic Pain and Addiction

Chronic Pain Management Techniques- 6 Healthy Living Strategies That Can Help

Chronic pain is more prevalent among Americans than you think. A recent report states that, in 2019, 20.4% of adults had chronic pain. The same repot also stated that 7.4% of adults had chronic pain that frequently limited life or work activities.  Chronic pain can easily interfere with your daily activities or social life because: It can last for weeks, months, or … Read More

Benefits of Suboxone Over Methadone

peakhwChronic Pain and Addiction, Pain Relief, Suboxone Therapy

Every year in Utah and nationwide, opioid abuse still leads to a disturbing number of fatal overdoses. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that 70,630 drug overdose deaths happened in the U.S. in 2019 alone.  The figures are even more unsettling if you look at them over the long term. According to the CDC, almost 500,000 people died from opioid overdoses from 1999-2019.  … Read More