Two pain clinics open serving Davis, Weber, Box Elder, and surrounding countiesPeak Health and wellness specializes in providing patients with a comprehensive range of pain relief treatment options, including minimally invasive procedures for back pain, neck pain, joint pain and other chronic pain conditions.
Proven pain relief methods
Non-invasive injection methods
A Compassionate, Customized Approach
We take a compassionate, customized approach to patient care. We offer the full gamut of minimally invasive procedures to help decrease your pain; we also understand that every patient is not a good interventional candidate. We believe that the multi-disciplinary approach to pain management is the optimal method for delivery of comprehensive treatment to patients suffering with pain.
Interventional Pain Management
Each procedure suite maximizes procedure accuracy and safety by utilizing fluoroscopic guidance (x-ray image visualization) to precisely determine needle placement.
View procedures and Expectations
Medication Management
We believe in treating the source of the pain so you can quickly get back to enjoying your lives. At Peak Health and Wellness we use both opioid and non-opioid medications to help our patients maintain their daily activities and a good quality of life.
Our goal is to use these medications in a safe and effective regimen to keep our patients functional and maintaining their quality of life.
We realize that every patient is different and has a unique underlying reason for their pain. This is the reason we believe in a thorough medical examination of every patient and a customized treatment plan to maximize each Utah patients potential.
We take most insurance. Call today for a full list. (801) 689-3389