Treating any type of pain starts with a proper diagnosis. That’s why it’s important to trust medical professionals who take a comprehensive approach to pain management and have the skills and technology to offer a variety of tools and treatments.
What’s the difference between a pain doctor and a regular doctor?
At Peak Health and Wellness, Alex J. Nelson, MD is much more than a physician—he’s a pain specialist. However, most people outside of the medical field understandably don’t know the difference. A pain specialist is a doctor who has had additional, special, ongoing training and education relating to the diagnosis and treatment of various types of pain. “Pain” can be used to … Read More
Bulging Disk Pain Doesn’t Just Happen in Your Lower Back
When most people think disc pain, they think lower back pain, but Alex J. Nelson, MD often treats bulging discs in the neck, too. The spinal column extends from your cervical (neck) spine to your lower (lumbar) spine, and any of the vertebrae along this route can develop a bulging disc. Just like anywhere else on the spine, a bulging disc happens … Read More
Pain Relief From Yoga
Yoga has been proven to help with long term chronic pain more than just about anything else out there right now.
Nerve Pain and Treatment
Nerve pain can be brutally debilitating, but Alex J. Nelson, MD and his team has a variety of treatment options available. Peak Health and Wellness regularly sees this common condition, and the tricky part about nerve pain is that it can present in a completely different location than the source of the pain. It’s imperative to find the source in order to treat the root … Read More
Some of the most common runner injuries Alex J. Nelson, MD treats are ACL injuries, MCL injuries, tendonitis, patella injuries, and injured IT bands.
Doctores del dolor hablamos español
Una visita a una clínica del dolor de buena reputación en Utah debería ser como ver a cualquier otro médico en cualquier otra especialidad médica.
Chronic Shoulder Pain – Is surgery my only option?
Surgery is Not Your Only Option I’ll get to the point…No, surgery is not your only option. There are many different reasons a person can suffer from chronic shoulder pain. There are many ways to treat shoulder pain as well. The article I will link to at the conclusion of this article took a look at a patients in the … Read More
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Overcoming sciatica is a PROCESS. There is not a fix all, but as pain practitioners we will use everything in our toolbox to help you on your journey to feeling better.
Fibromyalgia Pain Explained
Fibromyalgia is the bodies practiced ability to feel pain really really well, much more so than a normal person. For more information, please see the article about central sensitization to pain.